Dynamic Direct LiDAR Odometry - Kantplatz dataset
Dataset mentioned in the Dynamic Direct LiDAR Odometry paper.
It contains a sequence recorded near the campus of TU Damstadt. Urban scene, many dynamic objects: Pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles.
The data was recorded on a wheeled ground robot equipped with an Ouster OS-0 128 LiDAR and a Xsens IMU.
- /autonomy_module_lidar/points | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | sensor_msgs/Imu
The sequence is split into 10 bagfiles of ~3GB each. The total duration is ~480s.
It contains a sequence recorded near the campus of TU Damstadt. Urban scene, many dynamic objects: Pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles.
The data was recorded on a wheeled ground robot equipped with an Ouster OS-0 128 LiDAR and a Xsens IMU.
- /autonomy_module_lidar/points | sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | sensor_msgs/Imu
The sequence is split into 10 bagfiles of ~3GB each. The total duration is ~480s.
DFG subject classification
409-05 Interaktive und intelligente Systeme, Bild- und Sprachverarbeitung, Computergraphik und VisualisierungCollections
Lidar SLAM [2]
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