Overview of the main effects present in a real gas turbine combustor
An overview of the thermo-physical effects present in a real Rich-Quench-Lean aero-engine gas turbine combustor. The geometry of the combustion chamber prescribes the main features of the fluid flow such as flow separation, flow attachment, vortex shedding or the formation of recirculation zones. The fuel is injected into the combustion chamber in it's liquid form, breakes up and evaporates. The resulting combustion process leads to the formation of different emissions such as CO, NOx or soot. Additionally, thermoacoustic oscillations might accur and affect the systems stability. For a numerical simulation of this setup, all of these effect have to be respected in the modeling approach.
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Gas Turbine;Aero-Engine;Combustion;Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD);Turbulent Reactive Flow;RQL combustionDFG subject classification
403-01 Chemische und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik404-01 Energieverfahrenstechnik
404-02 Technische Thermodynamik
404-03 Strömungsmechanik
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