Koob, Philipp; Nicolai, Hendrik. Overview of the main effects present in a real gas turbine combustor. (2023-11). GPL - GNU General Public License 3.0. Gas Turbine, Aero-Engine, Combustion, Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Turbulent Reactive Flow, RQL combustion, 4.21-01 Chemische und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 4.22-01 Energieverfahrenstechnik, 4.22-02 Technische Thermodynamik, 4.22-03 Strömungsmechanik, 620, 660. Technical University of Darmstadt. 10.48328/tudatalib-1286. https://tudatalib.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/handle/tudatalib/4041