Dataset for photo response of ¹⁵⁰Nd

Zur LanganzeigeBeschreibung
Supplementary material to “Exploration of Nuclear-Structure Effects on Averaged Decay Quantities in the Quasicontinuum” concerning the photo response of Nd-150.
The dataset contains a PDF file, which shows experimental nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) spectra for experiments performed at the Darmstadt High-Intensity Photon Setup (DHIPS) at the S-DALINAC in Darmstadt, and at the γ³ setup at the High-Intensity γ-ray Source (HIγS). All spectra for HPGe detectors are shown for all photon beam energies. In addition, spectra for HPGe and LaBr₃ detectors are shown, together with the fits that were performed to determine average quantities such as average branching ratios and elastic E1 and M1 cross sections.
Furthermore, the dataset includes the raw data that was used to create all Nd-150-related plots in the thesis and in the aforementioned supplementary PDF. Each data file is accompanied by a readme file, which briefly explains the contents of the file.
dipole response;nuclear resonance fluorescence;High Intensity Gamma-ray Source;gamma-ray spectroscopy;electric dipole response;magnetic dipole response;photon scattering;laser Compton backscattering;bremsstrahlung;Darmstadt High-Intensity Photon Setup;S-DALINAC;photo responseZugehörige Drittmittelprojekte
Land Hessen | LOEWE-Schwerpunkt Nukleare Photonik | TP B2Bund/BMBF | 05P21RDEN9 | ELI-NP
DFG | GRK2128 | TP Pietralla
Verknüpfte Ressourcen
- Ist Anhang zu: DOI:10.26083/tuprints-00011437
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