Listing 7 & 8
Working example for listings 7 & 8 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in engineering", consisting of: one turtle file containing the shapes graph (metadata profiles), one turtle file containing the data graph (valid as well as invalid example data), the python file that runs the validation and returns the report, one text file containing the content of the report.
4.11-05 Produktionssystematik, Betriebswissenschaften, Qualitätsmanagement und Fabrikplanung4.11-06 Produktionsautomatisierung und Montagetechnik
4.22-03 Strömungsmechanik
4.22-04 Strömungs- und Kolbenmaschinen
4.43-02 Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen
4.43-06 Datenmanagement, datenintensive Systeme, Informatik-Methoden in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
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