Supplementary data: Active vibration control of a gyroscopic rotor using experimental modal analysis
The data contains the measurement data for the system identification, passive performance and the active vibration control of the rotor system. The used rotor test-rig has an active bearing which comprises two piezo actuators. White noise has been applied to these actuators at different rotor speeds for system identification of the gyroscopic rotor system. The rotor was controlled using IFF in combination with the FxLMS and a model-free adaptive feedforward control respectively. Read the publication for more details.
4.12-01 Konstruktion, Maschinenelemente, Produktentwicklung4.41-01 Automatisierungstechnik, Mechatronik, Regelungssysteme, Intelligente Technische Systeme, Robotik
Zugehörige Drittmittelprojekte
DFG | RI2086/16-1 | AMOS: Analytische MeSammlungen
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