Video of (-1-1-2)/(-121) HfO2 grain boundary, Moiré pattern
In this video, two VESTA models of cutting planes of monoclinic HfO2 grains are overlaid and moved laterally to each other (other degrees of freedom are not allowed in the present system). The cutting planes are the (-1-1-2) and (-121) planes for the purple (grain 1) and green (grain 2) lattice respectively. Moiré fringes are visible as the move due to the lateral shift of the lattices, also indicated by the red dotted lines. The periodic distances of these Moiré fringes can be used to define the repeating unit cell in order to calculate the coincident site lattice for this specific grain boundary.
This is supplementary material of a publication in Advanced Electronic Materials,
To generate the lattice images, VESTA 3 was used.
Momma, K. and F. Izumi. „VESTA 3 for Three-Dimensional Visualization of Crystal, Volumetric and Morphology Data“. Journal of Applied Crystallography 44, no. 6 (1. December 2011): 1272–76.
Verknüpfte Ressourcen
- Zitiert: DOI:10.1107/S0021889811038970
- Wird zitiert von: DOI:10.1002/aelm.201900484
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