Vapour Imaging: Python code to evaluate interferograms of evaporating liquid films and sample data.
This submission contains Python code to evaluate interferograms of evaporating liquid films and sample data.
It mainly consists of a module for preprocessing, a module to analyze the fringe pattern of the interferograms and a phase-unwrapping module.
All is accessible from a graphical user interface and a separate Python script, which focuses on the sequential evaluation of multiple interferograms and includes the calculation of a concentration distribution above evaporating rectangular liquid films.
Please refer to the PhD thesis for a discussion of the implemented algorithms and check 'README.txt' for installation instructions.
Vapour Imaging;Dissertation;Digital holography;Evaporating liquid films;Off-axis holography;Fringe pattern analysisDFG-Fächer
3.23-01 Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen4.22-03 Strömungsmechanik
4.41-02 Messsysteme
Zugehörige Drittmittelprojekte
DFG | SFB1194 | TP C01 DörsamSammlungen
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