The first model is a spatially explicit version of Hubbell’s neutral model (Hubbell, 2001) as used by Rosindell and Cornell (2007). The model uses a square lattice of n nodes called sites, each of which is inhabited by one individual. Every individual belongs to a species. The neutral metacommunity model can be considered as a coarse-grained version of the first model. As in the Hubbell model, no traits are assigned to species apart from their index, so they are all equivalent. The nodes of the lattice in the metacommunity model are habitats instead of sites for individuals and therefore host a fixed number (>1) of populations. Populations are not assigned a population size, but are simply present or absent. The third model is the spatially explicit evolutionary meta-food web model introduced by Rogge et al. (2019), which generates multi-trophic metacommunities. The model is defined on a square lattice with n nodes, which represent local habitats, each containing its own local food web.

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