This readme file describes the data contained in the zip file "Supplementary_Information" as well as Matlab codes and the procedure to process the data. The data and codes are divided into three folders: 1. 1_Image_Processing_Data: contains images (raw and processed) and the corresponding post-processing codes 2. 2_Forces_Computations: contains a MATLAB code for performing force computations named Dynamic_Computations.m, which utilizes data from an Excel file (inside this folder) named Reference_file_to_store_two_camera_data.xlsx. 3. 3_Related_figs_data: comprising figures and various parameters that are varied, such as impact Reynolds numbers and densities of the spheres. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Navigate to the directory (folder) identified as "1_Image_Processing_Data" to process the image data. 1) In the "Raw_images" folder, pictures captured by the two high-speed camera are provided. Begin by naming the initial image "background.tif" to serve as the reference for background subtraction. 2) Execute the "BackgroundSubtraction" code, implemented in Java using ImageJ software. 3) The code generates an "output" folder in the present working folder. Select this "output" folder to save the background subtracted images. 4) The "background.tif" image is subtracted from each picture in the "Raw_images" folder, and the results are saved in the "output" folder in filename.bmp format. The folder labeled "Bg_Subtracted_images" is provided solely for reference purposes. 5) Transform all images in the "output" folder to black and white by adjusting their thresholds using ImageJ or MATLAB. Save these processed images (save as image sequence in the imageJ) in a new folder called "Process." The folder labeled "Processed_images" is provided solely for reference purposes for the thresholded (Black and White) images. 6) Now, Execute the MATLAB code "findBottomPosition.m" to extract the coordinates (bottom position) of the sphere. This code prompts the user to specify the directory they wish to work on. Now, A CSV file is generated inside the current working folder, containing time (in milliseconds), the bottom-most point z-location (in mm), x-location at that point from the center, and the final x-location from the left (optional). 7) Repeat the same process to obtain position data from the other camera and other experiments as well. 8) Combine the time and position data (The penetration depth, denoted as z, remains consistent for both cameras, with y and x representing the other coordinates) from both cameras and save the consolidated information in an Excel (Reference_file_to_store_two_camera_data.xlsx) file, following the format specified in the provided Excel file (For reference). 9) Now, Navigate to the "2_Forces_Computations" directory, which contains both the "Dynamic_Computations.m" MATLAB file and the Excel sheet (Keep the consolidated Excel file) with saved position (t, z, y, and x) data (Experiment_data.xlsx) (obtained from the point 8). Execute the MATLAB file "Dynamic_Computations.m" to obtain comprehensive dynamics data ("Total_Data_rho.csv") for the sphere. 10) The MATLAB file generates visual representations of the dynamics of the sphere, including plots for angles \chi (Χ) and \psi (Ψ), C_D value, C_L, Delta, 3D scatter, total path, and total velocity plots. Note: Exclude the first and last data points from the CSV data due to limitations imposed by backward difference for the initial data point and forward difference for the final data point 12) The mentioned additional figures and a range of impacting parameters in the article are provided in a folder "3_Related_figs_data". These parameters include impact Reynolds numbers ranging from 6300 to 3150 for a density ratio of 2.16, from 6300 to 22300 for a density ratio of 3.26, and a specific Reynolds number of 15700 for a density ratio of 6.08 and 7.92.