Latvia high skilled



M: What are the first three thoughts that come to your mind when you hear the words ‘‘European Union’’ or ‘‘EU’’? <Name of participant>, can we start with you, please?


LVFG1_F1: Yeah, thank you M. Uhm, three thoughts… The first one is easier traveling, easier moving around, and unity of, uhm, similar countries and by similar, I mean, in a sense of maybe values, understanding, so, kind of being part of unit… unity of countries. And third, uh, the governments, unified governments, of, of countries.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>? <Name of participant>, you have to unmute yourself.


LVFG1_M6: Yeah, I’m sorry. Yeah, I can absolutely agree with <name of participant>, with the previous speaker, but my, like, my thoughts coming, uh, all 27 states; of course, the different nations and common political and economic situation in the countries that helps all, uh, the Union collaborate, and, let's say, to live together. Also… yeah, I think that's, that's it very briefly.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M2: Uh, definitely legislation. For sure, uh, common currency, uh, that doesn't necessarily reflect all the EU states, but… In my mind it's common currency and the opportunities which are given to the citizens of the EU.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F5: Yeah, uh, for me, the first thing that comes to mind, uh, so, of course is travel, so, it's much easier to travel. And, uh, I would also say - support [chuckles] as the European Union for me, uh, associates also with support, so, we were all supporting each other; all states and... yeah, governance as well, so.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>? (short pause) <Name of participant>, please unmute yourself!


LVFG1_M4: Yes, sorry. The first thing is, of course, freedom of traveling. Then, uh, as the second one, I would say the… I would say legislations and economical support from the EU.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M7: From my perspective, I will look at this thing from a really practical point of view, what I have seen in in my own experience. Definitely, uh, open borders as I still recall those long queues, uh, with our neighbour countries before entering the European Union. Uh, the second one is our common currency, which is euro, as <name of participant> said, it's, of course, not for all countries, but still, we treat it as common one. And the third one will definitely be, like, financial support with different funding opportunities from the EU side.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F3: Yeah, no… nothing new from my side. It's the same: it's the currency that comes in mind. Then, uh, the traveling, not only, like, to travel as such but movements between countries. And, uh, this, uh, Union as unique relations between countries with their own history and traditions, but again, to be in a common Union. So…-


M: -Thank you.-


LVFG1_F3 -…these things from my side.


M: Thank you very much. We continue with the next question: How would you describe your overall position, attitude, or feeling towards the European Union?


LVFG1_F1: So, I’m <name of participant> and from my side it's, uh, very, very positive. The things that you guys mentioned in the previous round, that really helps us live. And, uh, by helps I mean is easier; more convenient; and practically, uh, financially; uh, knowledge transfer, for example in terms of governance; diversity; the way how we solve or, or try to solve some problems and governance for the countries. So, it's very, very positive, both in terms of my analytical perspective, including also the feeling perspective… uhm, yeah, positive.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Yes, so, from my side, I can also compare how it was before, when we, as Latvia, we weren’t in the European Union. So, that's why I can also ensure that a lot of positive things have happened after we joined the European Union. Uh, much more opportunities are open right now for all the Members, like, Member States and also, like, people living in the {Member} States. And much more support with, kind of, uhm, common projects and all the, overall. Yes, thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Uh, yeah, well, the same from my side - very, very positive. Uh, to start with… I was taking part… I, I got my master's degree in European studies, so, as that is already some time ago already, then I was kind of feeling that I was being a part of the EU and to be interested in, uh, in the subject. That to start with, and, uh, I also… I have, I have had some connections with, the with, the Europe… European funds. Uuh, so I have also benefited, let's say, from, from that side. So, very, very positive, including the things that we already mentioned in the previous discussion. So, very positive from my side.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Me? [laughter] Uh, yeah, for me also are very positive feelings towards the EU. I think that, uh, our membership, oh, uh, uuh, gives us a lot of opportunities, much more than before. Uh, and, yeah, I also finished, some of the studies thanks to "Mācības pieaugušajiem" {studies for adults} I don’t know, is there any… [laughter] So, the funding of the EU also helped, uh, this, uh… So, for me it's, uh, mostly positive, of course, uh, there is also… I think that some of the EU… also, like, make a bit of limitations for us to make our own decisions. So, all we need to be in ( ) but it's, uh, you know, a small price to pay.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M4: From my side it's also in general, uh, positive things. And a general thing from my side, what I would say, it's, it is a connection, uh, between all European countries as languages. For example, uhm, practical things with economic issues.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, from my side it's also totally positive. Uh, I, I can't even imagine at the moment, like, any negative aspect or a negative side. But in general, I feel that, uh, there are so many people, at least in my friends around that are for example…


[The internet connection of LVFG1_M7 was unstable; he got disconnected for about 2 minutes]


(long pause)


M: Okay, is it my internet connection which stopped working or…?


LVFG1_M2: Uh, I think it’s Ed…-


[Technical problems with the internet connection of a participant]


M: -Ok.-


LVFG1_M2: -Yeah.


M: Okay, thank you, then we continue with <name of participant>.


LVFG1_F3: So, nothing to add. I think, only one thing - as I am working in aviation, then I can also confirm that it's, uh, it makes it much easier for us, uh, to do flights in the European Union. We don't need any permissions anymore or, or, uh, I don't know some, uh, some… There is no issue to fly to any country in the European Union, and it makes much easier, uh, to do, to, to do the business. So, also the positive, uh, positive feedback.


M: Thank you, thank you. And the last question in this part: If one argued that the EU membership was beneficial for Latvia or non-beneficial for Latvia, which benefits could you list or also which disadvantages, could you list? <Name of participant>?




LVFG1_F1: So, benefits, ehm… Okay, so, so practically this financial part that we discussed also before, it's open borders, time saving, currency which is also financially a very big benefit for the organizations, companies and ( ) Non material - I mentioned before, uhm, knowledge sharing. When we have common interests in mind, hopefully in majority of cases, then we really can learn from each other. Diversity - coming from different backgrounds, different experiences, different cultures, we can maybe also create wiser decisions so both the financial and practical benefits I see of the EU, as well as the, the, the non-material, so to say. The negatives (short pause), yeah, I wouldn't be able to formulate right now. I think my colleagues mentioned a bit, like, in terms of the, the freedom that... that we have maybe we have to create more collective decisions and not always the decision that will particularly be very valuable for us individually. But again, as we are citizens of this planet, then maybe that's even a good thing, like (who knows?).


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M6: Yes, in my opinion, if we talk about benefits, there are kind of, uh, logistic questions which made a lot of easier to get with the many processes. We can talk about, like, transport logistics and also about economical logistics, so, much more processes become much easier and more friendly for every citizen of the European Union. Uhm, about some disadvantages, uh, that's a bit hard to say, uhm, yeah, maybe we talk about from the political situation that, yeah, all the countries must have common decisions on several questions. Maybe for some of them it's a bit, uh, let’s say, harder but I think it's still an open question about that. So, of all the countries are trying to get ( ) with all the difficult questions but, but there’s still something to do on that. It's not the disadvantage, but they just a little bit to work on.


M: Thank you, thanks, <name of participant>. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M2: Yeah, if to look, uh, while, while the <name of participant> was, uh, was speaking I was thinking how to formulate myself, but I think I found the right way. Uhm, if we look very basically on the, on the issue from the economical point of view, there are two types of states in the EU: the receivers and the givers. We are on the receiver side, so, basically, we're receiving more, uh, more funds, so to say, then, then we are elaborating or, or, or giving back to the, uh, to the European Union. Of course, that has come with costs. Uh, some of our ships are being cut into metal and then the, the basically the fishing, uh, fishing sector was, was cut. And, and we're not being able to, to participate in the, in the field anymore into some extent. And, yeah, it has also kind of, put borders on to some of the businesses that, uh, were available in our society at the point when we were not in the EU and the ones that we're not being able to, to, to go on at this point.


M: Thank you, thank you, <name of participant>.


LVFG1_F5: [coughs] Yes, I, I also want to… uh, I, I, I want to really agree with <name of participant> because what we have as Latvia, as a country we gained a lot from being part of the EU. I think all these opportunities and financial support has really made a lot of industries, uh, flourish, uh, and you know the travel industry also, so many new things. [chuckles] Ah, uh, thanks to the funding, of the EU… opened and, and, uh… But yes, we also had disadvantages in terms of some limitations towards the ( ) kind of, uh… what kind of industries we needed to shut down because of, uh, uh, uh, and spread the EU’s resources. So, yeah, there are the pluses and minuses, but I think there are more plusses for Latvia than minuses.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


(short pause)


LVFG1_M4: My opinion is that we have more benefits, uuuh. And the first one is knowledge sharing between U, uh, EU countries because, uh, I would support <name of participant> that Latvia is more of a receiver as, as a giver, so, Latvia gets more practical things, knowledges from, uh, I would say, old EU countries. Uh, also transport and economic issues… also these, these things are much easier at the moment.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, M, I would appreciate, if you could repeat the question because of internet problems I didn't hear it.


M: If one argued that the EU membership was beneficial for Latvia or non-beneficial for Latvia, which benefits, advantages, could you list or/and disadvantages?


LVFG1_M7: Okay, okay, thank you. I, I, I’d, I would definitely mention here the advantages and one of the, one of the biggest, I think, is that, if we compare, for example, right now, it's almost 20 years since we are a part of the European Union. If we look back at, like, living standards and overall, how, how we were viewed as a society, uh, I, I would definitely see that there has been a really tremendous growth, especially for Latvia. Of course, a part of that growth would happen, uh, even though we wouldn't be part of the membership, but still a big, big part is, uh, due to these particular reasons if you get this additional funding and support from, from, from the EU’s side, and, uh, I, I would totally see this. This is the biggest part - that we as a society have gained a lot, and we have seen a big growth in different sectors and spheres, uh, overall.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F3: I can only agree with the previous speakers. So, for me, I also think that pluses are more than minuses. Uh, first, what came in mind - just the borders, education, possibilities and the support. And for the disadvantages I can just mention maybe, uh, as I know a bit agriculture, uh, then it's, uh… To be honest, it's hard to follow the European Union rules to be, uh, to be successful in agriculture, and especially biologically so… that’s also the thing we can work on.


M: Thank you. Thank you, and now we continue with the first scenario about national disasters. Imagine there is a natural disaster, like an earthquake, flood or a forest fire in one of the European Union countries. The first question: How should the European Union, as an institution, react, not as other countries but an institution? <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F1: Yeah, yeah, I think that the, the first thing in mind comes is a unified, uh, a unified approach, unified solution. I think that's the strength of, of, uh, the Union, right? That if there is a problem, then people come together. We mentioned our knowledge and diversity, different opinions that would put those together very quickly, the speed, I think, is a presence there, and create a unified and better, uh, in a sense of better thought about, solution. And then, of course, different countries could create a different or, or a contribution, depending upon, I don’t know, the, the, the… Germany, having a fantastic maybe healthcare system, they can do one thing and then so on and so on. So, again solutions can come from individuals, but the overall, uhm, planning and more efficient usage of the separate resources - that's what I would see as a benefit and outcome.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M6: Yeah, I would say that it's like in the big corporate companies. So, every country should act, ehm, as the side which has more positive and which is harder from them. So, let's say, to get it, uh, more effectively to fight against this, uh, this problem. This is, uh, actually the meaning of the European Union that each country should have their strong sides to act also in bad situations and also in, in some kind of positive things, thank you.




M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Maybe someone remembers or knows, uh, more exact, but there was this discussion about this topic when, uh, the wildfire started in Europe. Uh, how to react and how to act. I, I, to be honest, I’m not 100% sure how it ended - was there a group made towards who is responsible for that or no. But definitely I can agree with <name of participant>’s answer that there should be, let's say, some formation of the European Union, uh, so to say, the Center, which is, uh, responsible for, for, for reaching out to Members States. Or, or exactly already to firemen or medical, uh, medical, uh, institutions which should help at this stage, if possible, to other Member States. And that should be kind of put in writing, I would say, because we are in one bed, so to say in in happy moments, as well as some not so happy moments of life.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F5: Yeah, ya, I also agree that the European Union should have some kind of a, I don’t know, a place [chuckles] where they decide, uh, what and how the support and how the help will be spread towards the, uh, uh, countries where they need it, for example. So, so, at one place, they decide, uh, what's gonna be the help and the according to this decisions, other countries will provide their support and, uh, act, uh, as they decided.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M4: For my part, I think that, uh, the decisions must be made jointly. That's all.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, for myself, I would look at this situation from, uh, like a knowledge sharing perspective. Let's say, that, uh, for example, Latvia is not, uh, uh, ready to ( ) like experience any like a hurricane, for example, and, well, some, uh, some other countries might have such an experience and how to overcome such, uh, such problems and how to, like, treat, like, how to eliminate the consequences after the hurricane and etc., etc. So, this is also a good opportunity where we can, uh, in a u… in a unified approach how, uh, aid these common decisions and then other countries might have that knowledge shared with us, let's say, how to, uh, uh, overcome such problems, etc., etc. So, this is, I think, also a crucial moment what needs to be ta… taken into account.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F3: Uh, yeah, the, uh, same for me. I think, in such situations, uh,, uh, the EU needs to come out (with a?) plan, uh, use each country's experience, uh, use each country's resources to make this plan and, uh, then follow it.


M: Thank you. What should other European Union countries do, how should other countries react? <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F1: Could you elaborate on the question.


M: Imagine, there is this major disaster and how should - this time, not the European Union as an institution, react - but how should other countries react?


LVFG1_F1: So, the participating countries of the EU, so participating countries?-


M: -Yeah.-


LVFG1_F1: -Mhm, well, they should be part of what we discussed before, meaning, they should tolerate different opinions; they should listen to different experiences; they, they should realize the common goal that we are aiming at, so, for example, I mentioned that, uh, the speed of, of es… is of essence most likely, many of those, uhm, cases; and be mindful that even if you might have a different opinion that the speed is very important as an example and don't delay too much, uhm… So, I would say, yeah, the first thing that comes into my mind is - be mindful of the unified goal and not to sabotage it, right? [chuckles] Or at least not to prolong it even if it's very important… it's very important. Just because it's, uhm, you have a different opinion, so, and maybe be able to, uhm, step back at some moments for, for greater good. Yeah, that's, uhm, that comes into my mind.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M6: Yeah, so just to come back to the previous question - it’s much more common to that. Uhm, I think, like, every country should count on that which is their strong sides, for example, more strongly economic countries maybe could help financially. It will be faster and much more helpful. Other countries could help with, like, labor and, uhm, yeah just to choose, which is the strongest side of each country and to do that really in the rapid period, so, do that in operative manner, thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Well, if we look, uh, from other point of view, from the crisis, as such, the EU has shown, uh, a total inability to, uh, react in a common manner in the refugee crisis, for example, and I would just assume that, for example, wildfires for some other disasters, uh, would cause different kinds of reactions. But, uh, if you look from the very recent happenings or, uh, or actions that were taken or not taken and the discussions that were between the EU countries, then I would say, uh, we are not in the very, [laughter] very best stage of working together and agreeing on things, uh, in a very calm and understanding manner.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Uh, yeah, I also think that, uh, uh, uh, in a perfect scenario, uh, the, the situation would be like this that the EU decides what we're going to do, and all countries, uh, uhm, all support this decision and we help as we can. But what if, for example, the EU decides that we are not gonna help [chuckles], we're not going to interfere, for example in this hell… uh, we are not going to help this country. So, then what should other countries do? Should they just, uh, say: "Okay, we are not gonna involve, be involved in this. We're not gonna help" or should every country just decided: "Okay, we can't just, uh, up, uhe, we can't just not get involved. We need to help somehow." So this is an interesting question. [chuckles] Ahm, and I don't know what the countries should do in terms of the EU, if they're not actually not supporting the decision. So, how can they act, uh, uh, in this kind of scenario? I would say, I, uh, I don't know, there should be, of course, some, uhm, mmm, uh, legislation, so, if you can't actually go and do what the EU said, we can't do. So, it's a tricky thing. [laughter]


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M4: Uh, in my opinion, as we are actually a very small country in, uh, in Europe, however, uh, I would say that we should help and discuss these questions, uh, and to make joint decisions ( ). However, it's bad or, or, or, or, or, good for us like Latvians. Thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, my understanding on this topic is existed basically every single country or member country from the EU, they are already kind of participating in, uh, in, in, uh, what ( ) is taking care of the consequences, so, for some disasters, because we are all like paying a specific amount of, uh, let’s say, money in the overall EU budget. And, so, basically because it's already a joint decision. And then when it comes to, like, the individual side of each and every single country then actually these countries have, have to have, like, their own decision or position on this, because they are anyhow already sort of supporting what, uh, whatsoever is the decision of EU. And then on the individual level they can basically also at this stage disagree or not support thi, the, uh, this specific approach which is decided by the EU as, as, as, uh, a united organization, let's say. That, that's how I understood the situation.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: In my ideal world each country would need to support others in, in such, uh, cases and, uh, deliver the support and help, of course, according to the resources and, and, uh, whatever they are: knowledges or, or material things or, or whatever. That's, uh, my opinion.


M: Thank you, and how should Latvia react?




LVFG1_F1: Uhm, based on the available resources, uh, whether it's knowledge, whether it's technical resources, whether it's, uhm… whatever other resources we might have, so, depending on, on also the de… decision that was made commonly with maybe also including the, the individual, uh, maybe interest or, or stronger position. So, again, maybe fire is not the… or the hurricane is not where we can have a very different opinion or something extra ( ) the EU, I think, but, but when we come to more sensitive other issues with our eastern neighbors and Russia’s part, uh, like political issues where we are much more involved in the consequences as well, rather than the unified opinion of EU, then I would say that in such type of questions Latvia also might have a different… uh, add-ons. If it's, and again we go back to ( ), but I also don't know whether we can do that, legally. Yes, no, to what extent, and what are the consequences and so on. But for me just personally individually I would still want a, uh, uh, freedom; uh, to act more strongly or less strongly, uh, in addition, yeah, to support the common… but then, in addition to the EU if that really strongly influences my country and my life, and my kids’ life.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: So, I would say that it should be, like, one and strong common political decision also by the Latvian parliament how to act in this particular situation, but I would point out that it should be more like practical help, uhm, instead of maybe a financial found to this, uh, this current situation. Thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: I really liked how <name of participant> described it. UH, uh, if, if I may, uh, steal your words, how I understand that: we should be together as united as we can with Europe, but then, if it really impacts my life and my kids' life, we should stand up for our rights. [chuckles]


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Yes, I also want to agree with the previous speakers that, uh, we should, uh, think about ourselves first. [laughter] But, uh, listen to the decisions, uh, that the EU has decided to make. I would say that.


M: Thank you. <Name of patrticipant>?


LVFG1_M4: [sighing] My opinion is that we should, uh, take into account recommendations from all the European countries.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, my opinions is that overall we should speak to, uh… overall the EU decision, so, our policies, that have been taken or decided. At the same time we have to understand and also take into account that we are, like, a really small country. For example, let's say, let's say, some floods happening in Germany or France; well, the support we can give, let's say, in the Euro perspective or currency perspective is quite limited to, let's say, what, what, the what, the benefit benefited, benefit it might give to Germany. So, this is also, of course, we can view the support, but, well, it's, it's kind of ( ) for them, let's, say, let's put it this way. So, yeah, of course, we can support, but it's quite limited from my understanding.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Yeah, I agree with <name of participant> it because, because we really have limited help resources. But, for example, I can mention one thing, a very practical thing, again – airline. We have a very strong airline here in Nordics. Uh, for example, I can mention the repatriation flights, where we helped, uh, Estonia or Lithuania to bring people back to, to countries when the Covid started, for example. That’s, uh, I think, uh, we need to use our strong resources, uh, what we have also, for example, humans, uh, like, uh, medical stuff or, or something. Maybe we can help that way.


M: Thank you, thank you. If there was a need to send a crisis management team like firefighters or doctors to the country which is in need, do you think Latvia should do it and who should cover the costs?


LVFG1_F1: So, definitely yes. I think that Latvia should, uh, take part in that. The same as we would want that other countries would take part of we would be need. Uhm, but also just humanistic, right? So, both in terms of calculation, but also as a human, uh, human ethics and human values. I think, from both perspectives, we should cover the costs. I, uh, think, yeah, previously mentioned <name of participant> that we have a budget, so, we have made some payments - each country - so, definitely large part of that amount should come from the EU funds and that's why we are making these payments. But if it is something extra then most likely the country as well. Uhm, as additional funds. I could not comment on the proportions, uhm, I think it’s a bit based on the amount of about how much we are paying. I’m not that good into that but I think, from both sides, most likely the cost will be ( ). Hopefully the EU’s side, more as we were speaking before, we have more receiving countries, right? But, of course, also from our side.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: I think we should do that. Uh, we should look on this very practically. So, if we can send just three or five firefighters and I don't know, if we come back to the previous question, if it helps, yeah? But we cannot send, like, all of them, yeah, so, what will we do then? And, uh, just to see if we can have a part of kind of extra five firefighters or medical staff, which can go there without harming ( ) situation then, of course, yes. Uh, about who could take care of the budget, I think that some kind of extra budget from the European Union or maybe kind of limitation or extra budget term. Latvia could not cover this.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Uhm, I think we definitely should help, without question, uh, because, as I was saying previously, in the good and bad, we should be together. And it's not the, uh, not the right moment to ask questions about funding, because it takes just too much time off, uh, of the real problem, so to say. Uh, and definitely if we will help others, then that will need not be forgotten, (so to say?).


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Uh, I want, uh, to agree with <name of participant> to suggest that we should, uh, send, of course, we should send the crisis management team, but we need to assess if we can afford it, uh, in terms of do is have these resources; do we have extra firefighters and extra, uh, doctors which we can, you know, allow to go and help. So, if we can do it, then of course we should help and, uh, and in terms of budget, uh, I think, uh, yeah, <name of participant> said [chuckles]… I agree with what <name of participant> said that we should take, uh, some, some of the EU money that we pay for this kind of crisis management. And of course, we can also take something from our budget if we do have. [laughter]


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M4: Definitely yes, we should support. Uh, and I think the cost should be, uh, settled the from the money which we received from, uh, the EU fonds.


M: Thank you, <name of participant>?


LVFG1_M7: I also agree that we should send such a team, even though it might be in some cases, let's say, just one person, in some cases, maybe 100 or thousand people, but still some sort of support definitely should be given. And regarding the payments - as the Latvian budget, let's say, is having unforeseen budget or accidental budget part which is like, uh, for, for some sort extra activities, I'm quite certain that a similar budget position is also for, uh, for the EU and this payment should come for, for, from, from this part of the EU budget.




M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Uh, same, uh, from my side. I think we need to help, and I think that's the idea of the EU - to put, I don't know, small from, for, from one country - smaller resources, from others - bigger and then we can aim the goal. And I think payments should come from the EU. But of course, it depends on the situation, uh… it's not like hundred percent. Maybe Latvia also could, uh, uh, take some expenses on their side.


M: Thank you, and the last question in this scenario - do you feel that you have a personal responsibility in this occasion?


LVFG1_F1: Depending on the que… the topic, especially, how much I can help, I think that yes, when we spoke about refugees, for example, that comes as a first in mind… okay it's not a natural disaster, but, uh, so, in case if really needed would I take a refugee in my house - again ( ) I, I would do that, actually, and I would feel that that's part of my scenario.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Uhm, well, I think we should again look practical on this issue. So, if I can help with my own experience, then of course, yeah, If I should go and fight with the fire than no, because I'm not skilled for that. Uhm, yeah, just to use our own skills and, like, personal, uhm, uh, personal approach, like <name of participant> just spoke that, for example, about refugee cases. Yeah, then together of course we can all show that we're all humans, and we can just share our own, like, warmth and other things that we can do, yeah.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: If that would be my strongest belief that I can help with the issue and that would be at least to some extent in my power, I will definitely do that.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Uh, to be honest, I don't know how [laughter] I could help in these kind of situations. But what I could do - I could donate some money to, uh, to, you know, help others who can do a better job than me.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Mm, of course, yes, because we all are part of Europe as humans.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, I would also support this and, of course, just need to take into account what <name of participant> mentioned - if it’s in my, my own, like, abilities what can, what I can do, and what I can’t do. So, yes, if the capability allows me to help and, of course.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: So, I totally agree. If I can help, I will help. If not, I agree with <name of participant> - then I can donate some money for that.


M: Thank you very much, thank you. We continue with the second scenario about the economic crisis. If an economic crisis like Euro crisis happens again and some countries are negatively affected or hit harder than others, how should Latvia react?


LVFG1_F1: So, first of all, we will be part of the unified EU reaction and decision. I think that, again we are a rather small country in terms of economic impact and economic support we can provide. So, at that case I think it's a bit less individual solution or action that we can take as individual countries. So that's… that makes me think that we would go more with, with, uh, creating a, a, a good, better joint decision and then take part in, in executing that.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Well, I think that, uh, Latvia is not the biggest country in the European Union with maybe not so strong economic situation here right now. That's why, that's why we should, uh, look on that, from that perspective of… If we can, we have to do that, but I have, I think that it should be also discussed on the political level, every time it might be needed. Like in the local Parliament.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Uh, it really depends on the case. Hard to, hard to navigate in this question, not knowing exactly what we are talking about, but I totally agree with, with what <name of participant> was saying on this - that it should be, well, first of all, look from our kind of capabilities at, uh, at that point.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: [coughs] I also agree with the previous speakers that, uuh… So, we are a small country and we don't contribute much. So, we, you know, I don't know how can we help in these kinds of situations, but, so, we just need to follow the guidelines what the EU will decide how to act (forward?). But the possibility Latvia will be the one needing support is also very high, so, yeah, hm.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Uh, I think, uh, if it will hit then Latvia it will hit very hard and then Latvia will need help and support.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: In this question I'll be a little bit pessimistic. And I kind of tend to agree to what <name of participant> said that from previous experiences, what we have seen, that usually whenever there is economic, like, crisis situations, so sorry say that, Latvia is usually the country which is hit the most. So, I kind of tend to think that most likely we will be the ones who need support in this situation.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: I think in economic crisis Latvia just needs to, to follow the EU’s instructions and then, then, uh, that, that's it.


M: Which country should be helped more if in the whole European Union, this crisis happened? How should the EU as an institution know to whom it should help more?


LVFG1_F1: So, I definitely think that the EU has already kind of, uh, [chuckles] analyzed, classified, or understood each of the, each of the countries, right? So, how will they know which to help more? So, basically, yes, use the information that you have and have a criteria on that and most likely it's a question of which country is hit harder and by hit harder, ehm... Of course, then the dilemma is, I don't know, what it means, uhm, either it's, it's, uhm, uh, organizations, companies who are hit or individuals. Uhm, so, definitely, uh, of course we always think on human level first, at least in my mind. So the countries where really individual humans are hit really hard, uhm, are, are, are maybe immediate help really needed, you know, I don’t know to pay the bills for electricity during the, this, the wintertime, let's say, like, that to survive, so, basic. But of course, as long as our companies and then production and industries need support, so that we can in long term survive not only, like, this week. Then of course we also would need, uh, those countries also would need support. So, yeah, take into account the immediate effect, that would be one of my criteria in mind, but also then the long term help that can help those countries which need more. So, I think that the common goal is to help in the way that the countries, uh, kind of, our more unified, like, a coming out of the crisis, after so that we don't allow some countries to really hit hard and tie off economically for a period of time, because then again the EU will need to support the country to, to grow back so, so, yeah, so, that the outcome would be more similar


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Well, I think that definitely the Bank of Europe and European Commission already has kind of a separation plan: which country should get what kind of support. Of course, then taking a look on the, uhm, particular situation, they ( ) institutions should deliver this help much more efficiently and practically just taking care of, uhm, like, not the momental {immediate} help, but what will this help produce later. So, uhm, generally after the crisis that the situation might be like… The real help is different than it was planned originally, so, it's very important to think what we get in the final.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: If we look, uh, from the perspective of helping the countries which have the worst situation that probably would be one of the base criteria. So, if we can help someone who has the worst situation than to look on the second worst situation, etc., etc., we compare it to, to the flooded three bedroom apartment. So, if you start to look for the solution - we have a flooded apartment, okay, we take the water out from one of the rooms. How we solve the situation then? Does it help the other rooms, etc.? So, that would be the, uh, this, this team's core… this coordination teams kind of main, uh, main reason why they should be coordinated, uhm, from, from someone. The EU based this theme, because they would be, there would be specialists who are, who are, uh, kind of experts in their fields. And they would say: "We start with the kitchen, then we start with bedroom number one, then we go to the, to the bedroom number two etc." So, I hope it was understandable [laughter] to you.


M: Thank you very much.




LVFG1_F5: Uh, yeah, I think that, of course, the EU needs to assess all the problems that each country faces, so, uh, and decide which country needs more support, but not always support needs to be like financial support, but maybe some quota, some, you know, discounts, or even, uh, to help, uh, this country build up and support it [chuckles].


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: In my opinion, it should be a real assessment from each country. So, then the specialists can analyze for which country the support is needed more or, or, yeah.-


M: -Mhm, tha…-


LVFG1_M4: -Thank you.


M: Thank you, thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, my opinion is that the first, uh, let's say, experts should look from, from overall country perspective, let's say, gross domestic product when one country is having, like, 20% decrease the other is having, like, 5% decrease, so, well, we see which one is hit harder by the economic crisis. And another approach could be, like, let's say, to look at, uh, on an individual level, for example, unemployment rate. If we see that, if you look back basically on, on the 2008 cri… uh, crisis then, let's say, the South countries: Italy, Spain - were hit harder and, like, unemployment rates increased drastically. And that's kind of obvious that basically these countries need the, uh, a higher level of support or, or, or help in such situations. So, then these are the approaches how, uh, how to define whom, uh, whom to help and whom to help more.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Yeah, that was a good one from <name of participant>. I think they, yeah, they need to analyze the data and then divide the support accordingly. So…


M: If Latvia is affected, how should other European Union countries react? If Latvia received this support, should we obey certain restrictions or rules which come together with this support?


LVFG1_F1: Yeah…-


M: -…how should other countries react if Latvia is hit? And do we have to obey some rules and restrictions?


LVFG1_F1: So, hopefully other countries would support. And in the previous cases they have showed the support, so, so, that's one of the benefits that we received. And in return we should obey the rules, uh, that, that, that are asked for us, so that kind of goes together. And hopefully those rules are created by keeping in mind the knowledge that we remembered… discussed that the knowledge is shared, that the, the, the, the common intentions are good and, and all the best things we definitely should be able to negotiate. Uhm, we definitely should be again, uh, as <name of participant>, I think, mentioned before - it's like in large organizations right? So, you… also the board with stakeholders, we can still negotiate, we can explain, we can give additional data in case if, if, uh, the restrictions, or rules, or requirements seem too harsh, for us. We can give input data to try to change, maybe something. But at the end of the day when, when (the negotiations?) have finished, then, then we have to execute the thing that we have promised. We should never kind of go back against the times. I was, I would kind of finish at that moment to, to, uhm, maintain the credibility for the future.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Uh, I will again come back, maybe to my thoughts that all the help, which is mostly needed in very critical situations which should be done very fast and effectively, they mostly are effective when they are done in a cooperative way. So, in my opinion, the European Union, European Commission and other institutions should, like, uhm, divide this help and collect maybe this help from other countries to, to then distribute them to other countries, like in this scenario to Latvia. Uhm, then it will be more effective and, uh, also maybe more visible to Latvian citizens.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: As we agreed in previous questions that we should help, so we should get the help. Easy as that.


M: And the restrictions? Do we obey the restrictions? And…-


LVFG1_M2: -Of…-


M: -…the rules?-


LVFG1_M2: -…<name of moderator>, of course, of course!


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Uh, yeah, I also agree that, uhm, the European Union and all the countries should help us if we need this help and we should all follow the, uh, guidelines from the EU [coughs] to help Latvia [chuckles]. And in return of course, I also agree that we should obey the rules, but I want to say that I really liked the idea of <name of participant> - that we should negotiate [laughs]. If we don't see that these obligations are too hard for us, so, we shouldn't take everything what they give us. We, we should negotiate better rules for us. But if it's not possible, then of course we obey the rules and we follow what we, [laughs] what, what the EU told us.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: In my opinion, of course, and as much as possible, because, how I said previously, then, if it will hit Latvia, then Latvia will need a support and help more than, than other countries because, uh, yes, we are one of the smallest countries.


M: Thank you. And we always… we will receive the support and we will obey the rules as well, yeah?


LVFG1_M4: Yes, of course.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uhm, y, yes, I agree that we should definitely receive the support. Regarding the, uh, the rules, I will put it this way that initially, of course, we should, like, obey, uh, obey the rules and take, uh, take these rules into account. As the same time, we all know that every single rule is meant to be broken or, or kind of to be overcome but if you're, for example, back on, on, on, uh, different crisis situations, especially economic crisis then globally almost every single country initially agrees to some specific, uh, let's say, period of time, for example, when they need to return some support or money, etc., etc. But usually these, uh, terms or, or, uh, uh, rules all are negotiated, then afterwards changed, then updated, etc., etc. So, I think it's definitely a long process where we should step, step up to kind of, uh, our negotiation power, let’s put it this way.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Yes, uh, we need to receive help definitely. Uh, uh, of course there should be rules, uh, accepted from the EU and, uh, maybe we need then to rise up our payment to funds after we are out of crisis, like, in, in, uh, insurance principle, yeah?


M: Thank you. We have concluded second scenario and we come to the last, to the third scenario about social inequality. Consider that there are inequalities between countries and people in a country… in countries. Should the European Union have a common program or fund to decrease social inequality, for example, given the increasing income gap in societies? And why?




(short pause)


LVFG1_F1: My opinion would be yes. Uhm, I think that one of the benefits of the EU is that, as a unity of, of larger scale and size, uh, we can actually tackle more difficult problems, larger scale problems than would normally we would expect that we can try to solve [chuckles]. It's more mission possible than nothing, that's one of the benefits. So, it is very challenging, difficult and again using the knowledge to the best ( ) with different, uhm, trials that have been tried out, I don't know, in Scandinavia were minimum wages for everybody, or something, you know? Try out a… also different new approaches to try to solve it. So, on one thing it’s funds but I’m just very cautious of, you know, just giving away the money. So, create more knowledge and maybe TEST some new problems, try… try to develop new knowledgebased programs that could try to reduce the inequality. So, definitely yes.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Of course, yes, from my side as well, but this question is actually, uhm, we can talk, I think, very long. So, if being briefly, I think that the social, uhm, am, uh, inequality is, uhm, it depends on a lot of several segments of the economic situation all ( ) that, uh, the European Union. So, my answer is yes, but, emm, also to, uhm, to focus on especially each country the needs and, uhm, how the same, uh, the possibilities to, to help in this situation.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Could you please repeat the question? I had a…-


M: -Yeah…-


LVFG1_M2: -…a glitch and…-


M: -…mhm. Consider that there are inequalities between countries and between people in countries. Should the European Union, uhm, uh, have a fund or a program, uhm, to help decrease social inequality?


LVFG1_M2: Uff, well, I think it's happening already. If I’m not mistaken then the EU is funding also unemployed people's kind of these new, of all these new expertise, they are funding those. So, it is happening already, I would say. And most probably in some other ar… areas that, uh, I'm not aware of at the stage, but I’m 100% sure it's happening already.


M: Thank you, and they should continue doing that, yeah? In your opinion…-


LVFG1_M2: -For sure, <name of moderator>, for sure.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Yes, I agree, I also think that they should do it, and should, uh… if they do, then, should continue because it's a great cause to fight inequality in any way.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: In my opinion, also I, I heard that there are already such funds, and I think it should, it should be active (in the?) future.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, yes, I also agree with other colleagues that definitely, uh, we should have this approach and continue this approach to, like, decrease the inequality in society. Uh, however, uh, I’m not, uh, I, I do not support the idea of definitely giving away just the money. For example, I myself also tend to participate in different, like, donation activities, but they usually need to have, like, a, a purpose or meaning behind, let’s say. I totally agree with supporting educational institutions and the individuals gaining additional skills and knowledge or education. That's one kind of approach how to decrease the inequality in society, overall, and also between the EU countries. So, yes, I agree, but this should help ( ) meanings or purposes behind.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Uh, yes, I totally agree and it's always good to have such a program and, uhm, it's perfect.


M: Thank you, thank you. But, should the European Union have a European wide scheme to deal with unemployment in all countries, but funded by all EU Member States?


LVFG1_F1: Nobel Prize to somebody who comes up with a really effective and a really good solution on such a scale, so… [laughter] I think really it's a question of the quality of such approach and do we believe that that's such approach unified would be really much more effective and separate because, again, we, we at the same, I, I'm just thinking that we are coming from very different, let us say, society maturity levels, probably in each of the countries. So, if… my, my… So, I would vote for whatever solution is, is more effective, more efficient. So, whether it's equal and, and, and what are the criteria, whether it's unified or whether it's local, that's not, not the key criteria effective… ( ) so.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Yes, the most important is efficiency in this case, so we must look on that. In some kind of situation, it can be more efficient if it goes locally or in other situation, we can look for, like, a general look out on this, uh, on this problem in this situation.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: W, we should be involved in something bigger than just us. Uh, we can manage the things that are being able to… that we are being able to, uh, to manage locally, locally, but we should be bigger than, than just Latvia for sure. Already now we are an Eastern European country which is kind of being at the, at the very, uh, side of, of Europe. So, let's stick together and let's go with the bunch!


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: I would also say that we should go together and, uh, do it [laughter] together.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Mmm, from my part, I also, uh… yes, but the general issue is efficiency. If it works, then yes, of course.


LVFG1_M7: Uh [coughs], I would say also, yes, because, uh, (if we look locally?) for example, globally, we see also good examples, uh, let's say, the Red Cross or, or, or UNICEF and these this big organizations. But they all kind of have these global names or brands, at the same time, they all have, uh, local, uh, let’s say, offices or, or, or other companies which basically manage on local levels how, uh, how this support is given to, let's say, uh, help in these specific methods. And I think also regarding the i, inequality, this also could be the same approach that we have, like, a global funding but, uh, it's managed kind of on a local level. I, I would assume that this should also work.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: I don't think that, uh, it's going to work, uh, but, uh, I agree with <name of participant> - if there is possible such a scheme, then definitely we can review it and, uh, use it and, uh, implement.


M: Thank you. If there is a high unemployment in some country, should the European Union try to reduce it?


LVFG1_F1: ( ) first of all, that is the responsibility of the particular country. Still that's, the, tha, that's the level that is, is, resp… So, definitely the EU can help with advices... Uhm, maybe sometimes even the knowledge is, uh, or, or advices are not that comfortable when we spoke about restrictions, I think that sometimes it's really, uhm, easier to give, uhm, a, a more efficient, uh, uh, also ( ) more efficient advice when you're stepping, step back. So, I think that from that perspective, maybe the EU can help a bit of challenge the local country and give advices that maybe the company… or the organ… uh, the country it, itself, maybe wouldn't like to have. Uhm, but otherwise I don't believe that we can help a person who doesn't want the help or who doesn't, uh, who is, who is not ready to ACT afterwards in order to ( ) our help. So, from that perspective, yeah, limited, limited responsibility and limited impact that I would say the EU would have of that, from my perspective.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Uhm, all I would say that this is, uh, really a local problem. (And yes, I can?) agree totally with <name of participant>. And, uhm, we should look on that, uhm, the reason why this unemployment is really taking place. And to help how, how the countries should help, of course, if we're talking that the European Union is a common Union and we just discussed this, we should help everyone in any kind of problems. So, if we point out this unemployment, like a general problem, then maybe the other European Union countries should have a look and see how they can help. But I'm not sure that, uh, the most common, uh, like, answers and, uh, help to this situation is really helping. Uh, like, I don’t know, sending some, uh, uh, people to, to, to fill, full this unemployment is there a method to, to solve this problem. It should be solved or seen generally.


M: Thank you.




LVFG1_M2: The European Union has tackled this question from the very first day. So, if we look from the free movement of people and fru… free movement of Labor, this is already the answer. Uh, if you, if there's a high em… uh, unemployment rate here in Latvia, you move to some other EU country and find work there. It's as basic as that.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: Yes, I agree with <name of participant> that sou… uh, this, this is one of the answers, how we can tackle the unemployment. For example, yeah, in Latvia, if you don't have a job here and job opportunities then you go to, for example, uh, to other countries and find you a work there. And also, as I mentioned before... these kinds of programs were the European Union funds, uh, the opportunities for people to gain knowledge in various fields, uh, it's also, you know, helping if you can't find any more job in your particular field. You can learn something new, some new skills and apply it in your job search, so, yeah, I agree that the EU is already helping [chuckles], uh, in all possible ways, uh, and, uh, it's also a responsibility of each country individually to tackle this problem.


M: Thank you.-


LVFG1_F5: -I think.


LVFG1_M4: I will ask the question back, uh: why not? And I think, uh, yes, and it just helps us to share knowledges.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, I've actually mentioned here an example from, uh, the United States of America. For example, we have to look at this problem from, like, a global perspective, and we will be changing our mindset. Uh, for example, in the US, that is not the problem, let's say, if you're leaving New York, and you have a job offer in LA, you basically cross the whole country move from one coast to coast, sell your house, move all your family and, uh, live there. And what <name of participant> mentioned that I, I totally agree that the EU also, is already doing that, uh, and, and working towards this approach that all your boarders are free to cross and free to move. If you, if you can't find a job in one country, you just move to another country. It's… I'm not saying it's easy but that's definitely the approach.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Uhm, I think, uh, meantime… they cannot help us in such situations, but of course, uh, we can, uuh, always, uh, discuss that and, uuh, to get feedback, to get some knowledges from other countries, and, uh, maybe then build up some, uh, plan for us.


M: Thank you. And now we come to the last question in this last scenario. And the question is: Should Latvia contribute to reduce unemployment in any other European country where it is needed, even if it would imply some costs for Latvia?


LVFG1_F1: So, looking back to unified budget, so, meaning that we are paying some money into the budget, and then the budget is used to help that country to solve the unemployment. Also, in the way of you know, supporting the, the company's the, the business in that country, the screen ( ) the, the local, uhm, local places (would?) work. So, that would, I, I would see that as a help, yes, and I will also see that, in that sense we are giving, uh, money also and paying for that. Uhm, if, if, if the implication is, I don't know, Greeks having high unemployment rate and us sending millions to help there, then most likely again it's more their local problem. So, I think that's a, a, a the, the, the cost should be rea.., respected into the responsibility which, which side is, is very more the responsibility, (let’s say that?).


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: What I think, uhm, that I will I agree with <name of participant> but, uhma, particular in the situation is, uh, is, like, Latvia of course, is in a position that we must look at, uhm, the one side and other side. Then we, uhm, then we can get the, like, the right answer to, uuh, to focus it on the, on the problem when it is, it is arisen. Uh, generally, it might be one decision, but then the one and present position, we can, mmm, we can act in another way.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: Oh, it's hard to imagine how we could help some other EU country, uuh, to reduce unemployment rate. If we assume that there are two people living, uh, less than two million people living in Latvia and, let's say, 80 plus million, I don't know what's the number, but they 86 or whatever million in in, in Germany. So, if we would invite, let's say, 8% of the German population to come to work here, uh, probably it wouldn't help us and them as well, so, uh, I cannot imagine the scenario like that. Coming back to the previous question, I think we are doing that by allowing us the other, uh, uh, European states to, to, to come people from, from the EU and work, uh, work here with easier work permits etc. So, I think it's happening already and, uh, I think not much can be done.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: I think if, uh, the EU need us - Latvia - to donate some money for this, uh, question [chuckles] for solving this problem, than Latvia should contribute as much as, as Latvia can.


M: Thank you.


(short pause)


LVFG1_M4: Definitely yes and as more as possible, then, yeah, but actually, according to my opinion, it's still very… it’s an active issue. Or not?-


M: -Okay…-


LVFG1_M4: -Thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: Uh, yes, I think that we definitely have to contribute and also all, all borders are open and if somebody from other EU country is willing to come to work to Latvia, well, welcome!


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Uhm, I would say no. Uhm, uh, I think it should be covered from funds. Uh, but, uh, uh, regarding unemployment, of course, uh, anyone can, uh, come and, uh, work here.


M: But receive… uuuuh, the salary from the European Union fund, not from Latvia’s… uh….


LVFG1_F3: No, if it's a private company then, uh, anyway it comes from a private, uh, company ( ) [laughter]


M: Thank you. Today we have discussed the European Union touching these three dimensions: natural disaster, economic and financial crisis, and social inequality. Are there any other areas or topics which you think could be relevant to cover in order to understand the relations and mutual support within the European Union?


(short pause)


LVFG1_F1: I will open the floor. If somebody wants to elaborate on, on the…, on the Russia and, and, and aggression towards other countries, I think it is very important. I think it is more important for us, you know, because of the history that we have and because of the, yeah, I would still say the threat that I feel for, for, for my country, for myself, for my family, for my kids. And I think previously it was mentioned somewhere I…, my opinion is that the EU has not dealt well with these, so, solving that and, and we can, we see that because the aggression is continuing. Uhm, and I cannot, of course, that there are a lot more smarter people focused on this area. I hope that they can come up with something better than they currently have. That makes me think that, that's more of a question of wish rather than inability to think of something more effective. Uhm, of course, short term effects, long term effects, all those things have to be taken into account. But, yeah, I don't think that this solution is, has been solved, uhm, solved as well as it could be. ( ) <name of participant> with EU studies, knowledgesharing so many good ideas… I hope that maybe wish to elaborate, but, just opening (the ideas?) that, yeah, this this should have been dealt better.


M: Thank you, <Name of participant>, is there any other ( ) or topic which we did not cover, but you would have covered, so, in order to understand the relations and mutual support within the European Union?




LVFG1_M6: I would say that, yes, territorial issues might be interesting to look for. Uuhm, like, to understand more European organization thoughts about that. Also maybe something more, uhm, about regional politics, like Caucasian ( ) and so on, and then, yes, that's it.


M: Thank you, thank you very much.


LVFG1_M2: Hard to mention something. Uh, I know that for younger generation, for youth, basically, it would be really beneficial for, uh, for people to, to be able to, to go and see and work across the EU. Uhm, probably those ones that are using Erasmus opportunities, uh, uh… that's, that's only a small part but maybe there is something that could be done for, for larger groups for, uhm… Just it opens the the mind for people and they see different cultures and ways of living, etc. So, that would help also the other countries to grow in a way. And at the same time, people to grow, so the younger generations would be more open to things and would be bringing back more knowledge. If that is restricted, uh, mostly to, to Erasmuss students, uhm, not sure it's a big scale, at the same time, definitely, it, uh, it is possible for anyone to pack a bag and, and to live, uh, live in another country for some time on the expense of, of, uh, washing dishes or, or regular credit card top-ups. Maybe this is a thing to, to think about.


M: Thank you, can we give the floor to <name of participant> now? Uh, do you think that any other topics, which should be, we should have covered during this discussion to understand relations and mutual support within the European Union?


LVFG1_F3: Uuhm, yes, maybe something about the, the help in, again in agriculture as I'm a bit in it. Uh, uh, so, to better understand… uh, uf… Of course, I know the basic things - they are supporting and to give the support to agriculture, uuh, but, yeah, maybe that topic could be, uh, interesting for me personally.


M: Thank you, and now we continue with <name of participant>. Thank you.


LVFG1_F5: I, personally, can't think about anything else to add at this moment, so, I think it's, uh, enough [laughter], I don't know.


M: Mhm, thank you. Thank you, <name of participant>?


(short pause)


LVFG1_M4: In my opinion, it could be, uh, a part from cultural, uh, behavior. Maybe.


M: Thank you, mhm. Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M7: Uh, there is one, one topic I'd like to mention, of course, I have no idea how to do it in practice or, or realise. Uh, that one topic is that, basically, kind of maturity of, uh, overall maturity of society. So, I still tend to think, let’s say, if we are compared, uh, to Scandinavian countries or, uh, other European Union countries, so, basically, we as a society are, are not, uh, mature compared to these countries. Uh, meaning that it's in terms of our, uh, uuh, thinking and, and, and, uh, how we treat others within society and our society as well. So, these are kind of issues that from time to time pop up in my mind, but how to solve them or how to, kind of, improve our societies maturity, I have no clue.


M: Thank you. Thank you…-


LVFG1_M2: -If I may, excuse me…-


M: -Of course, of course…-


LVFG1_M2: -<Name of participant>, <Name of participant> how do you think - wouldn't it be already addressed if people at a younger age would be able to ex… experience, uuh, the life or and the values and treatment, uhm, from one and another, from one to another, uh, in different EU states?


LVFG1_M7: Uh, yes, it could be like one, one of, one part of the topic, how to help in general. But, yeah, I, I, I believe there's more than that.


M: Thank you very much, thank you. How would you say that these discussed topics - natural disaster, economic crisis, social inequality - are linked with Latvia’s future in the European Union?


(short pause)


LVFG1_F1: Well, it’ directly linked. It's, uuh, all these things influence us, uh, mainly on receiving but also in the giving side and significantly influences. So, as we mentioned, I think the EU has changed our lives over the 20 years really significantly. And I hope that the, the, the more complicated issues the EU will tackle, the more impact, actually, we will have on the lives of our owns and our kids, and including, yeah, maturity of society, and, and overall wellbeing, education, values that, that we, we have for, for, uh, our, uh, countries. So, not only kind of this financial and economic benefits, but also the development as, as humans and as society to.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M6: Well, those particular questions and also much more other questions are, of course, uhm, reflected to all our life in the European Union. Uhm, I must say, yes, that also these questions are important to see them how, like, an example, how we should act. That's why it was very interesting to communicate together and to see how we can find the way from ( ) that situation. So thank you for this opportunity today.


M: Thank you.


(short pause)


LVFG1_M2: Very important topics as for today and for the future. Uhm, so, there couldn't be better questions than to be, then these to be discussed today. Thank you very much, <name of moderator>, thank you!


M: Thank you, <name of participant>, thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F5: Yes, I also agree that all these questions were brilliant and, uh, it was very interesting. And for Latvia as well it's, uh, all these topics are important. I think [chuckles].


M: Thank you. Thank you, <name of participant>?


LVFG1_M4: Yes, it was really interesting to hear other opinions, uh, about these European act, actual questions. Thank you.


M: Thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_M7: Uh, yes, uh, I think topics are really good and relevant. Uh, uh, the… I'm actually really keen to see the results of your overall study and what other, uh, uh, like, like... overall these results come up from, from, from your, uh, research.


M: Thank you, thank you. <Name of participant>?


LVFG1_F3: Thank you for this, uh, conversation and, uh…-


M: -No, no, no, no. Uh, the question was: how the discussed topics…-


LVFG1_F3: -Sorry, I was on the phone…-


M: -Ya, ya, yeah, that's why I, I, I just remind about the question. The question is: How these discuss topics - natural disaster, economic crisis,-


LVFG1_F3: -crisis


M: -and the social inequality – how are they linked, how do you think they are linked with Latvia’s a future in the European Union?


(short pause)


LVFG1_F3: How are they linked... Of course, they are linked, of course. It's a Union where we are participants and of course, we need to take part of it and, uh, and it's linked absolutely. And I hope in the future Latvia will have a better and better, uh, collaboration with the European Union and, and we will get support and give support, and every single day ( ).


M: Thank you. What would be the final remark from you to this topic?


LVFG1_F1: Uh, once again I guess it’s a thank you for, for, uh, the EU, for the idea, and I think that, uh, the more countries collaborate, again the bigger impact we can create, the bigger sharing, we can create. Uhm, and I think it's good to remember that we’re again [baby crying] all living on the same planet. So, uhm, the more we can collaborate, maybe also with other parts of the world to solve even greater issues, for example, climate or even, or some other [baby laughs]… So, that would be, kind of, the next step forward. So, of course, one thing to keep the, the existing countries and collaborations as good as possible, but maybe, yes, look at the next step, because there are other economies even more powerful as, or as powerful.


M: Thank you. Thank you very much.


LVFG1_M6: So, this today's topic was really interesting and I must say it also educated, also for us. Uh, and, uh, I can also say that it would be interesting, in the future, maybe to work in a group, like that but from, with the people from different EU countries, so to see how do they see these problems and their reactions.-


M: -Th…-


LVFG1_M6: -Thank you once again!


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M2: I would say: let's be thankful for what we have already and then also look for the future, what we can achieve. But first be thankful for where we are that we can live in a country, uh, and express our thoughts, uh, via technologies, etc. So, really great to, to, to see you all and, and hear you all already. Just this small thing. Let's be thankful for that.


M: Thank you. Thank you very much.




LVFG1_F5: Yeah, I also want to say thank you all for this interesting discussion. It was really interesting to hear your thoughts on these topics. And, uh, as a remark for these topics, I would say that, uh, we should help and accept help when we need it. [chuckles]


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M4: Uhm, today I got a really good, uhm, thing, uh, from these discussions. Uh, I think it was from <name of participant> the… who said: "We are receivers and givers." Uh, that interesting thing from today was. But actually, we are more than receivers as givers {meaning: more receivers that givers}. Thank you.


M: Thank you.


LVFG1_M7: <Name of moderator>, sorry, not to, like, distract from a... actual question and topic, could you please repeat the question?


M: Your final remark about this topic.


LVFG1_M7: Oh, okay, final remark… Well my thought is that, thoughts are that basically if we are looking overall on, on the EU on these different kind of topics, I would still, I would still like to see more unification and collaboration between, like, all, uh, all these countries, because that are, like, I think many questions and topics that are still, uh, uh, that... that are still different opinions between, uh, the EU countries. So, more, more unification and more collaboration.


M: Thank you, thank you, thank you.


LVFG1_F3: Uh, yes, I already mentioned that collaboration is very important. And, uh, also, I think, maybe, uuh, there are a lot of discussions in higher levels and not to sell public and maybe there are a lot of things we don't know even, uh, what is going on there. But in general, I think it's a big benefit for us to be in the EU and let's continue. Thank you, M!


M: Thank you very much thank you!

