Introduction This folder structure contains the relevant references to data and scripts used for the following publication: S. Dehe and S. Hardt, Deformation Modes of an Oil-Water Interface under a Local Electric Field: From Taylor Cones to Surface Dimples, Phys. Rev. Fluids 6, 123702 (2021). Please follow the publication to understand the experimental setup and the procedure for data evaluation and Comsol simulations. Raw data Due to the size of the raw data, it is only available upon request from the authors, and not deposited on the public repository. However, the raw data has the following structure: The data contains mainly high-speed videos and associated files produced during post-processing. The data is sorted by dates of acquisition. Each video is contained within a separate file folder. The video metadata is contained in .cihx files, and the raw data within files with the ending .mraw. The File names give information about the experimental conditions: Exemplary file name: 20200902_Exp4_run6_4500V_80ulm_0-65cSt_5mm_H2O_1mM_KCl_116nA_C001H001S0001 ___________ : Here Sept 02, 2020 : One epxeriment denotes one combination of liquids and flow rates, with changing voltages. Within one experiment, there are different runs of varying voltage : Numeric counter of the different voltages : voltage difference between the needle and the conducting liquid, here 4500V : Flow rate supplied at the needle, here 80ul/min : Viscosity of the silicone oil, here 0.65 cSt : Fill height of the conducting liquid, here 5mm : Lower liquid base (water in all cases) : concentration of salt used to adjust conductivity, here 1mM : salt used to adjust conductivity, here KCl : Current measured in steady state, here 116nA Some file names have 2 KCl concentrations, e.g. 20200929_Exp5_run1_2000V_20ulm_1cSt_5mm_H2O_0-1mM_1mM_KCl_5-9nA_C001H001S0001 here, the first one denotes the KCl concentration in the conducting liquid within the container (0.1mM) and the second the KCl concentration in the needle for the electrospray (here 1mM) Scripts to process raw data Scripts can be found in scripts/ The main script is called and references all additional scripts, written in python and executed using spyder 4.0.1. For each video, the following steps are performed: -Calibration of the video (spatial dimensions) -Extraction of video data -forming of an average image out of the high speed videos -detection of the undeformed interface (see specifically functions in -detect the edge of the deformed interface using user input center (see function interface_detect in -find the needle -extract the coordinates of the deformed interface -remove any wrongfully detected edges center (see function interface_remove in -calculate the maximum deflection of the interface For details, please refer to the python code. Files required to generate the data plots within the publication: Fig 4-6: Raw data files: Unfortunately, the raw data is too large to be deposited within this public repository. It can be obtained upon request from the authors. Plot generation: figures/ Resulting files: The pgf-files resulting from the python script are saved locally and include all data points plotted. The file Plotting.tex shows how to include the data file in tex, for example. Fig 8: Plot generation: figures/ Resulting file: As the resulting pgf file would be too large, we provide a png file of the plot in figures/Fig8.png Fig 9-10: Data files obtained from simulations: Contained in Folder figures/Fig9 and directly in the source code Plot generation: figures/ Resulting file: figures/Fig9a.png, figures/Fig9b.png, figures/Fig10.png Simulations: The Comsol simulation required for the generation of Plot9 is found in Comsol_data. For the convergence studies, we changed the relevant parameters (radius of droplets, D_dif, number of mesh cells). Due to the size of the simulations, only an exemplary file without results is deposited. The full data files including the numerical results can be obtained from the authors upon request.