*************README file for***************************************************************************** SUPPLEMENTARY NUMERICAL DATA: Pressure and shear flow singularities: fluid splitting and printing nip hydrodynamics ********************************************************************************************************* Last modified: 2023-02-15 (yyyy-mm-dd) This TUdatalib data set contains supplementary data for the following paper: Pressure and shear flow singularities: fluid splitting and printing nip hydrodynamics Matthias Elia Rieckmann (1), Pauline Brumm (2), Hans Martin Sauer (2), Edgar Doersam (2), Florian Kummer (1) Physics of Fluids, 2023 (1) Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Fluid Dynamics, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany (2) Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Printing Science and Technology (IDD), Magdalenenstr. 2, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany --------------------- DATA SET DESCRIPTION The data set consists of a set of tables in csv and html (easy to read representation) format. The tables contain the postprocessed values from the numerical simulations performed in the above mentioned paper. There are 4 tables available, named Part 1-4. In Part 1 the boundary conditions and nip width were varied in a set range. In Part 2 the stagnation points were set to a fixed position (10mm) and printing velocity and nip width was varied. In Part 3 the stagnation points were set to match the experimentally observed values. In Part 4 the stagnation points and printing velocity is varied. Additionally for each simulation a raw plot file (.plt) is included. These can be opened e.g. in Paraview or VisIt. The files are named such that they can be cross referenced via the "SessionName" (see below). Each table contains the following data columns: SessionName - Identifier of the particular simulation example: "J2000_delta1E-06_V10_P1000" - 2000 cells, nip width 1e-6 m, printing velocity 10 m/s, pressure for the left inflow nip 1000 Pa, pressure for the right outflow -1000 Pa, (for Part 3 the raster is included (RLXX) and for Part 4 the position of stagnation points (xmX.XX)) id:Raster - For identification to experimental runs, raster frequency in lines/cm id:delta - Nip width in m id:Radius - Radius of the cylinders in m id:P_Diff - (Half) pressure difference between in and ouflow in Pa id:V_Wall - Printing velocity in m/s PressureRange - Difference between minimum and maximum pressure value in Pa VelocityXMax - Maximum fluid velocity in horizontal direction in m/s Massflux - Massflux through the nip in kg/(s m) - this is 2D... NipShearRate - Shear rate in the narrowest point in the symmetry plane in 1/s NipShearRateCylinder - Shear rate in the narrowest point on the upper cylinder in 1/s ShearStressCylinder - Shear stress integrated over the upper cylinder in N/m NipShearRateSubstrate - Shear rate in the narrowest point on the lower cylinder in 1/s ShearStressSubstrate - Shear stress integrated over the lower cylinder in N/m ViscousDissipation - Viscous dissipation integrated over the whole domain in N/s PositionOfSynchronousFlow - Horizontal postion of synchronous flow measured from the narrowest point m PositionOfStagnatingFlow - Horizontal postion of stagnating flow measured from the narrowest point m dPdXatSynchronousPoint - Pressure gradient in horizontal direction at the point of synchronous flow in Pa/m dPdXatStagnationPoint - Pressure gradient in horizontal direction at the point of stagnating flow in Pa/m dPdXatNip - Pressure gradient in horizontal direction at narrowest point in Pa/m dPdXatConstantX - Pressure gradient in horizontal direction at 10 mm in Pa/m --------------------- ADDITIONAL RAW DATA The source code used to run the simulations included in this dataset is open-source and available under: https://github.com/FDYdarmstadt/BoSSS By navigating to examples\PrintingNip and running the runlocal script the results in this dataset can be reproduced.