Single cell data for "State- and stimulus-specific dynamics of SMAD signaling determine fate decisions in individual cells" Stefan Bohn, Lorenz Hexemer, Zixin Huang, Laura Strohmaier, Sonja Lenhardt, Stefan Legewie, Alexander Loewer Time-resolved analysis of nuclear-to-cytoplasmic SMAD2 ratio in individual cells. For some datasets, data regarding motility and cell death is included as well. Data is provided in CSV format and generally organized in time points (rows) and individual cells (columns). For each experiment, several files are provided: _data.csv - nuc/cyt SMAD2 ratio _conditions.csv - labeling of experimental conditions _map.csv - vector mapping individual cells to experimental conditions, numbering is according to the order given in the corresponding _conditions.csv file. _timeLine.csv - time points for measurements given in minutes _motility.csv - distance moved per time point given in µm/h _division.csv - number of divisions for each cells _fractiondead.csv - fraction of dead cells per field of view - please note that this data is not resolved at the single cell level! The MATLAB script "ReproduceFigures.m" allows to reproduce most data panels from the publication and should help to guide you through the data. Effect sizes need to be calculated separately using the function "permTest.m" and the parameters given in the publication.