#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Virtual Reality in Manual Order Picking: Using Head Mounted Devices for Planning and Training #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Software # - Documentation - # # Author: Jan-Karl Knigge # August 2020 # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# OrderControlTool.zip: - Contains the code for the tool used to play order picking commands and measure total order completion times - The tool has also been used to register picking errors and dropped items - Language: Java SensorControl.zip: - Contains the code for controlling infrared sensors for registering picker interaction with the picking rack - Writes timestamps of sensor interruptions into a database - Used with sensors of the type Panasonic CY-192B-Y and run on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ - Also contains information on wiring and GPIO assignment of the Raspberry Pi - Language: Python VR Model.zip: - Contains the Unity model used to display the VR - Unity version: 2018.2 - Also contains scripts used for controlling the HTC Vive in Unity and for writing timestamps of rack interaction into a database (similar to SensorControl) - Language: C#, PHP